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What Is a Self Directed IRA? The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Self Directed IRAs, Answered

What is a SDIRA?

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) is a type of Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) that allows investors to have greater control over their investment choices beyond traditional assets like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. SDIRAs allow individuals to invest in alternative assets with their retirement funds.

What are Self Directed IRA Investment Options?

Unlike standard IRAs offered by brokerage firms, which limit investments to publicly traded securities, SDIRAs enable individuals to invest in alternative assets such as:

  • Real estate (real property, raw land, trust deeds)
  • Private Equity (startups, private companies)
  • Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium)
  • Digital Currency
  • Tax Liens and Deeds
  • Promissory Notes
  • Private Lending
  • Other alternative investments (such as oil & gas or farmland)

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Why Should I Invest With a SDIRA?

Freedom and Control

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) gives you the freedom and control to build a retirement portfolio that aligns with your personal strategy. With the ability to choose from a wide range of alternative assets, you can create diversification that fits your financial goals. Whether you’re investing in real estate, private equity, or other alternatives, an SDIRA empowers you to take charge of your financial future and invest with confidence.

Requirements of Custodians

Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) custodians, like Preferred Trust, must adhere to strict IRS regulations and industry standards to ensure compliance and asset protection for account owners. Unlike traditional investment institutions, which offer pre-selected investment options and often provide financial advice, SDIRA custodians are neutral third parties responsible for the custody and administration of IRA assets, maintaining proper recordkeeping, and reporting transactions to the IRS. They do not offer investment advice or endorse specific opportunities; investors have full control over selecting their own investments. Additionally, SDIRA custodians ensure that account holders follow IRS guidelines, including prohibited transaction rules, which prevent self-dealing and investments involving disqualified persons. By working with a compliant and experienced custodian, investors can confidently navigate the flexibility of an SDIRA while maintaining tax-advantaged status.

Tax Advantages

Self-Directed IRAs (SDIRAs) offer the same tax benefits as IRAs held at traditional financial institutions. Whether it's a Traditional SDIRA, where contributions may be tax-deductible and earnings grow tax-deferred until retirement, or a Roth SDIRA, which allows for tax-free withdrawals in retirement, investors can take advantage of the same tax-advantaged growth.

Potential for Higher Returns

Investing in alternative assets through a Self-Directed IRA opens the door to opportunities that may offer higher returns compared to traditional investments. With access to a diverse range of assets, investors have the potential to capitalize on unique market opportunities. However, with the potential for higher rewards also comes greater risk, making thorough due diligence and a well-planned investment strategy essential for success.

What Should I Consider When Investing With a SDIRA?

Before diving into a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA), it’s important to reflect on a few critical factors that can help shape your investment strategy. First, understanding your personal expertise is essential. SDIRAs allow you to invest in areas you know well, such as real estate or startups, which can give you an advantage in making informed decisions. However, with this freedom comes the responsibility of conducting thorough research and proper due diligence on each potential investment. Additionally, it's important to keep your long-term goals in mind. While alternative assets may offer exciting opportunities, having a clear strategy helps ensure your investments align with your retirement plans. Be mindful that, as with any investment, market fluctuations and liquidity can affect the performance of your assets, so patience and careful planning are key to navigating the SDIRA landscape.

What can’t I Invest in with a SDIRA?

While a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) provides a wide range of investment opportunities, the IRS has specific rules about what you can’t invest in. Below is a list of the assets that are prohibited:

Collectibles - Art, antiques, gems, rugs, and coins (except certain precious metals) are not allowed. These items are difficult to value objectively, making it hard to ensure fair market pricing and fair asset management.

Life Insurance - You cannot invest in life insurance contracts, as they don’t align with the retirement savings goals of an IRA.

S-Corporations - Investments in S-Corporations are prohibited due to IRS restrictions on retirement accounts owning certain business structures.

Alcohol - The IRS also prohibits investments in alcoholic beverages, as they are considered personal-use items and violate the self-dealing rules.

Understanding these restrictions is crucial to maintaining compliance with IRS regulations and preserving the tax advantages of your SDIRA.

How do I Fund a Self Directed IRA?

The first step in funding your Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) is to complete an application to open an account that aligns with the funds you’re moving over. If the funds are coming from a tax-deferred account, such as a traditional IRA or 401(k), you’ll need to open a tax-deferred SDIRA. Likewise, if the funds are from a tax-free account like a Roth IRA, you’ll need to open a Roth SDIRA. Once complete, there are several ways to fund your SDIRA. If your funds are coming from a 401(k) with a previous employer, most 401(k) providers will only work with you directly and send you a check, which you’ll need to provide to your new SDIRA custodian within 60 days to avoid penalties and taxes. This is known as an indirect rollover. However, the direct rollover method is often preferred, as it allows your current provider to transfer the funds directly to your new SDIRA custodian, helping you avoid penalties and taxes. You can also request an IRA transfer, where your current custodian sends funds directly to your SDIRA custodian, simplifying the process. Finally, if you’re contributing new funds, you can add up to the annual IRA limits set by the IRS, which you can find on the IRS contribution limits page. These options give you the flexibility to fund your SDIRA and begin investing in alternative assets that align with your goals.


A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) opens up exciting possibilities for those seeking greater control over their retirement investments. With the ability to invest in a wide array of alternative assets, such as real estate, private equity, cryptocurrency, and precious metals, SDIRAs allow investors to create a portfolio that aligns with their unique financial goals and expertise. While the tax advantages and potential for higher returns make SDIRAs a compelling option, they come with the responsibility of complying with IRS regulations to ensure that investments are legitimate and not subject to penalties.

As you explore SDIRAs, it's essential to understand the differences between Traditional and Roth IRAs held at a traditional financial institution, and SDIRAs, as well as the investment opportunities each offers. The flexibility of SDIRAs can be a game-changer, but knowing the rules is key to making the most of this investment vehicle.

Choosing a reputable IRS-approved custodian, like Preferred Trust, is crucial for successfully navigating the process of setting up or rolling over funds into an SDIRA. By conducting thorough research, staying informed about the rules, and working with an experienced custodian, you can harness the full potential of a Self-Directed IRA to build long-term wealth.

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